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In 1989, Tony Bennett happened to stop by the club "One Fifth Avenue" where Charles had been working at the time. Their meeting sparked a friendship and mutual admiration which enhanced Charles' quality of life and career in ways he might never have imagined. Charles recounts this meeting in a radio interview which is on "Performance (Tony Bennett)" of this site.
The gifts of friendship and respect Mr. Bennett accorded our uncle had a profound impact upon Charles' life and career and self-esteem, such that one could not possibly choose words that would adequately express either Charles' or my family's gratitude. Nevertheless, Mr. Bennett, if you ever should happen to key into this website, thanks so much for being you.
One final word: All the qualities I might have ascribed to the singers I love and have mentioned on this site--those same qualities musicians and music critics who are really "in the know" have ascribed to "the great ones." Tony has, I believe, assimilated and taken these to the next level, so that, for example, when you listen to any of his "duets albums" and you hear him singing with Ana Carolina, say, or K.D. Lang, he manages to get to the very soul of a piece in ways no one has ever done before or ever will again.
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